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Tag: penyusunan proposal

Lokakarya & Pendampingan 21 September 2019

Lokakarya & Pendampingan 21 September 2019

“ Penulisan Buku Teks/Ajar dan Artikel Jurnal Nasional dan Internasional Bereputasi ”

Lokakarya dan Pendampingan “Penulisan Buku Teks/Ajar & Artikel Jurnal Nasional dan Internasional  Bereputasi” Pemateri pada workshop ini adalah Prof. Dr. H. Burhan Bungin, B.Sc. S.Sos. M.Si. Ph. D.  yang diselenggarakan pada 21 September 2019 di Institut STIAMI. Tujuan dari Lokakarya dan Pendampingan ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan serta motivasi kepada para dosen baik yang berada di lingkungan Institut STIAMI juga dosen dosen dari kampus di luar Institut STIAMI  tentang  pentingnya Publikasi Riset bertaraf nasional dan Internasioanl dan bagaimana membuat sebuah Produk produk buku teks .
Sharing Session 13 September 2019

Sharing Session 13 September 2019

“Smart, Young, and Inspiring ” Research, Digital Network, and Security; How to Get Research Grants and Manage Publications

Sharing Session “ Research, Digital Network, and Security ,  Presenter :  Cutifa Safitri, Ph.D dan How to Get Research Grants and Manage Publications, Presenter :  Dafit Feriyanto, Ph.D yang diselenggarakan pada 13 September  2019. Tujuan dari Sharing Session ini adalah memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan serta motivasi kepada para dosen dosen di lingkungan Institut STIAMI tentang  pentingnya Publikasi Riset dan Pengabdian serta pendidkan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi lagi.
Workshop 24 – 25 Agustus 2019

Workshop 24 – 25 Agustus 2019

Research Advance 24 – 25 Agustus 2019

Research Advance : LPPM Institut Stiami menyelenggarakan Workshop Kualitatif RESEARCH COLLEGIUM TRILOGI METODOLOGI PENELITIAN SOSIAL yang berlangsung di el Royale Hotel Kelapa Gading, Jakarta, pada 24 – 25 Agustus 2019.  Pemateri pada workshop ini adalah Prof. Dr. H. Burhan Bungin, B.Sc. S.Sos. M.Si. Ph. D.  Saat ini Prof. Burhan merupakan Dekan Fikom Universitas Ciputra,  Ketua Umum IQRA (Indonesian Qualitative Researcher Colloquium) serta penulis banyak buku-buku metodologi penelitian kualitatif. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh sejumlah dosen bukan hanya berasal dari DKI Jakarta saja,  melainkan juga dari luar DKI Jakarta, dan luar Jawa.   Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, diharapkan peserta mahir menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif.
Workshop 06 August 2019

Workshop 06 August 2019

“ A Half Day Workshop Academic Writing”

LPPM Institut Stiami held a “A Half Day Workshop Academic Writing” which took place on August 6, 2019. Speakers at this workshop were Prof. Dr. Eng. Wisnu Jatmiko S.T., M.Kom.,
Born in Surabaya, Wisnu Jatmiko received his Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from The Faculty of Engineering and M.Sc. degree from The Faculty of Computer Science, both are received from Universitas Indonesia in 1997 and 2000 respectively. In 2007, he received his Dr. Eng. degree from The Micro-Nano Systems Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan. 



Warehousing 4.0 : Enhancing Business Performance in Endurance and Cost Efficiency

Design Your Supply Chain, Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the design of seamless value added processes across organization boundaries to meet the real needs of the end customer. SC design is assisted by:
1. Process Mapping – creates visibility of current and improved processes.
2. Value Stream Mapping – depicts flow of information and materials
3. SC Mapping – displays the dynamics that govern how a supply chain works

Failure to proactively design a SC results in:
• Poor coordination of effort • Compatible information systems • Long cycle times
• Communication problems • Customer service issues • Excessive waste and environmental degradation • Relatively high inventory for the level of customer service achieved
• Lower the optimal profit


18 July, City Tour ICSTIAMI –  Sunda Kelapa Harbour – Kota Tua

City Tour ICSTIAMI –  Sunda Kelapa Harbour : Sunda Kelapa Harbor provides a glimpse of the country’s history and people. Ideal for first-time visitors to Jakarta, this half-day itinerary includes expert commentary from your own personal guide. Jakarta’s old port, Sunda Kelapa is a popular stop on any tour of historic Jakarta (or Batavia, as it once was). Wooden 2-masted pinisi sailing ships still moor here, while porters move goods to and fro as they have since the 13th century. Converted warehouses hold the Maritime Museum, and a watchtower and lighthouses stand guard over the bustling harbor.  You might see Sunda Kelapa signposted as “Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa”: the word “pelabuhan” simply means port, or harbor, in Indonesian. Wear comfortable shoes to visit Old Batavia. Sunda Kelapa was the original settlement on which Jakarta is based.  When Indonesia achieved independence after World War II, the city took the name Djakarta (Jakarta).
City Tour ICSTIAMI – Kota Tua : Trip back in time to the colonial past of the “the Queen of the East.” Explore Jakarta’s historical district of Batavia and learn about the events that have shaped the city’s history. Meet your guide in the heart of Kota Tua. Visit the historical sights of the Batavia district, admire Jakarta’s wonderful mix of modern and colonial architecture. Visit some of the oldest museums in Jakarta: including the Jakarta History Museum, and more treat yourself to the best of Jakarta’s famous street food.
Museum Museum in Fatahillah Area : Jakarta History Museum / Fatahillah –  Museum of Bank Indonesia –  Puppet Museum – Museum of Ceramics


on July 17-18, 2019 in Jakarta, IndonesiaThe 2019 International Conference on Science and Technology in Administration and Management Information (ICSTIAMI). Theme “Sustainable Development: from Research to Actions”

Session : SOCIAL HUMANIORA (Communicaton, Tourism) / Chair : Dr. Ade Tuti Turistiati, MIRHM. Areas relevant to the scope of the journal include Social Sciences,  Education, Media and Communication studies, Humanities, Tourism, Arts and Culture, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy. R
Session : PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT, LAW, EDUCATION / Chair : Dra. Baby Sri Murniati Poernomo, MA. Work on the basis of individual or group concepts of justice, fairness, and advancement of the public good. “Public service” refers specifically to work conducted while in a government position but is often included under the public interest umbrella.
Session : MANAGEMENT, LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN / Chair : Daryanto Hesthi Wibowo, SE, Akt. CA, MA. Management, Logistics and Supply Chain is about planning and controlling the activities of a company as well as coordination between companies, in order to secure that the right product is delivered in the right quantities, to the right customer, at the right time and to the right price.


on July 17-18, 2019 in Jakarta, IndonesiaThe 2019 International Conference on Science and Technology in Administration and Management Information (ICSTIAMI). Theme “Sustainable Development: from Research to Actions”

Scope and Topic :
Accounting – Taxation – Tourism – Communication – Public Sector Management – Bussiness Administration – Logistics and Suply Chain Management – Islamic Economic and Bussiness – Law


on July 17-18, 2019 in Jakarta, IndonesiaThe 2019 International Conference on Science and Technology in Administration and Management Information (ICSTIAMI). Theme “Sustainable Development: from Research to Actions”

Plenary Session :
1. Prof. Ferry Jie (Business School of Business and Law Edith Cowan University Joondalup Drive Western Australia 6027, Australia). A Supply chain consists of the flow of products and services, connected by transportation and need vertically integrated. Supply Chain Management is the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all logistics management activities.  
2. Dr. Jonathan Rante Carreon (Huachiew Chalermprakiet University, Thailand) Use of social media for communication in Industrial Revolution 4.0. Social media is a popular buzzword as well as a technological concept, which has brought about pervasive changes in business-to-business communication, business-to-customer communication, and customer-to-customer communication (Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy, & Silvestre, 2011).
3. Prof.Dr.Jan Siska (Faculty Of Education Charles University Prague, Czech Republic)
Disability, Responsibility, and Change. The Construct of Disability changed from focusing on pathology or a defect within the person to a socio-ecological person-environment fit conception that focuses on understanding human functioning and disability based on the interactions between personal and environmental characteristics.
4. Prof.Dr.Uzair Bazi (Center for Islamic Economics & Finance (CIEF), Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan ) Bai Salam Project, a Project to Eliminate Riba from Agriculture. Why This Project because riba is haram, private sector money lending act, 2007 (Private Source Facilities Closed), government. Bai salam advance payment 100% against future delivery of Agri produce, and operation through a public sector bank.
5. Prof. Dr. Myrna R. Batino (Technological University of Philippines, Philippines)
Sustainable Development: from Research to Actions. Sustainable development change for sustainable development but focusing on the “public good” areas of sustainability, though much desired, has become an oxymoron, 70 years, human progress founded on economic growth has been expressive in all areas.
6. Prof. Dr. Abdul Talib Bin Bon (Faculty Of Technology Management and Business UTHM-Malaysia) Preparing Management, Economy, and Business to face Industrial Revolution 4.0. Phases of earlier 3 Industrial Revolutions.

International Conference #1

International Conference #1

on July 17-18, 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The 2019 International Conference on Science and Technology in Administration and Management Information (ICSTIAMI). Theme “Sustainable Development: from Research to Actions”

1. Prof. Dr. Tulus Suryanto : General Chair for IC Comiitee, participanst, keynote speaker, co host, international partners. Has 100 more than paper , 57 in english conference. Collaborate with 20 university. SDG for achievement.
2. Dr. Panji Hendarso, M.M : Rector Of Institut STIAMI  speech to representated Governor, LLDIKTI, Prof Tulus, keynote speaker, the head of yayasan Ilomata.
3. Dr. Ir. Lilah Sailah, MS, Coordinator of LLDIKTI 3 : Speech from head LLDIKTI : Welcoming for the participants, greeting to Rector and head of Ilomata Foundation,  keynote speaker, guest presentative from all country.
4. Keynote Speaker : Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo, University of Indonesia Public Policy Expert, Mainstreaming SDGs In National Developmett Program To trenghtening Public Sector Reform In Indonesia.