LUGAS Jurnal Komunikasi

LUGAS Jurnal Komunikasi

Journal of communication LUGAS is one of media dissemination based on research results conducted by internal researchers at the Institute of STIAMI and external researchers. The Journal of Communication LUGAS is published by Study Program of Communication Science, Faculty of Social Science and Management, the Institute of STIAMI. LUGAS according to Indonesian Dictionary (KKBI) has meaning: 1. about the principal (basic needs), never deviate here and there; 2. as it is; innocent; inclusive; simple 3. not complicated: the sentence is not flowery; 4. not personal; objective. Referring to the meaning of LUGAS, it is expected that scientific papers published in LUGAS are focused on a particular topic or problem and delivered systematically in accordance with applicable provisions, and have theoretical and practical benefits for academics and society.